Puppy Pre-school
There are many benefits to teaching your puppy to be well behaved at an early age. Young puppies are quite able to learn obedience skills, toileting behaviour and social boundaries. All of these things help make your relationship with your dog more rewarding for the years to come.
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Nutritional Advice
Along with regular exercise and veterinary care, careful nutrition is the best way you can contribute to your pet’s prolonged good health.
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Nail Clipping
Regular nail inspection, with clipping or trimming when required, should be part of the routine care of your pet. Whilst many outdoor pets will wear their nails down naturally, elderly and indoor pets will probably need some extra help. The requirement for nail trimming can vary depending on breed, age, level of exercise and the environment in which your pet is kept.
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A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is injected under your pet’s skin, usually on their back near the shoulders. It can be done during a normal consultation. The microchip is embedded with a code unique to your pet and is the most effective form of permanent identification. This code is placed onto a national computer database, so it is particularly useful in the return of lost pets. They can also assist where the ownership of an animal is in dispute.
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DIY Dog Wash
We have a DIY dog hydrobath located outside at the front of our clinic which is open 24 hours and open to the public.
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Behavioural Advice
At Doubleview Veterinary Centre we have a strong focus on animal’s feelings and behaviour. We have created an environment to help you and your pet’s visit to the vet as enjoyable and easy as possible.
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